
Fool you once fool you forever.
One thing that I really dislike is people that fool other people. Especially to find out some shit from you or just so it beneficial for them self. It hurts to know that people fool you. I wish we could live in a world without fooling. Without lies. Think of that? What a wonderful world we would have. 
Why do we even fool each other? Why do we lie? Bad it even exist? If I felt I fooled someone I would literally die or feel so bad. I can't do it with knowing I do it. But some people just live for fooling. Shame on them. #4real
My advice. Be honest. Don't lie. And don't f*cking fool another person for your own benefit. 
Todays thoughts shared with you and hope you enjoyed it. Feel free. Share your thoughts about it. 
Take care of each other and have respect. 
Lots of love